Virtual training offers freedom and flexibility not found in an in person class.   Work on what your dog needs  right now, start when you’re ready, and progress at the best pace for you and your dog. 

Sibling School

We’ve been successfully raising littermates for over 20 years and when our blog Spectacular Siblings was published we were inundated by worried littermate puppy owners who had been told their puppies were doomed to a life of severe behavior problems for no other reason than they lived with a sibling, or were raised with a dog of similar age.   Looking for hope, success stories, and practical solutions for raising littermate puppies these worried owners were so happy to finally have found our (now top selling course) littermate raising course spectacular siblings!  

New Puppy Owners

Freaked out by all the Doom and Gloom predictions about your puppies developing Littermate Syndrome?   Worried your puppies will develop lifelong behavior problems, including aggression?   Sibling School is the course for you.  Let our decades of experience raising happy and well adjusted siblings teach you how to raise your own
 Spectacular Siblings.  

Breeders & Fosters

 Prepare your puppy families for everything involved in raising littermates with our breeders checklist,  client resources, and e book. 

Your clients will be better prepared for caring for two puppies, and you will enjoy happy puppy happy owner feedback.  

Free, yes..really!

On a tight budget?  We get that…… & help is on the way!  For the new puppy owner, Breeders, and Fosters.